Hiking for Hedgerow Highlights

Next up on this little creative journal space I call my blog is my first ever set of nature snaps! I took a little online course a few weeks ago on “making mindful films” with Zoe Wittering and whilst I don’t think I am anywhere near a standard with my film work to share anything it has got me in to this really lovely headspace about shooting stills mindfully. A notion that a shooting mandate comes from the feeling of doing it, rather than the feeling of the finished product is like food for the soul right now. So in a time where I am very rarely alone or without many people demanding my attention and input, shooting things without faces or voices is a mindful place for me. Just silence. Walking. Pausing for chinks of lights through the hedgerows and the things those sunbeams fall on.

This is shooting when I try and listen to my own head…

To find out more about my commissioned photography work see my website for families, newborns, weddings and personal branding work!

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Charlie, I’m a portrait photographer specialising in children, families, weddings and branding portraiture. You can find out more about me and work here!


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